Di Li Ranked 11th Best Performing Trademark Attorney by Patexia
Ms. Di Li has been named a top trademark attorney in Patexia’s Trademark Intelligence Report. Di is ranked as the 9th Most Active Attorney and the 11th Best Performing Attorney out of 32,904 trademark attorneys. This puts her in the top 0.030 percentile. The Trademark Intelligence Report is a comprehensive report showcasing the best-performing and most active trademark prosecution law firms and lawyers.
This is the third consecutive year Ms. Di Li has been ranked among the top 1% of trademark attorneys in the U.S.

Di Li Law, P.C. specializes in Trademark Law and has successfully registered thousands of trademarks for companies and individuals throughout the world.
To get started on your trademark application, simply complete and send the intake form to our email, info@dililaw.com. We will get back to you within 48 hours. Click on the link below to get the intake form:
Trademark Registration Intake Form (in Chinese)
Trademark Registration Intake Form (in English)
Related links:
United States Patent and Trademark Office
California Secretary of States
World Intellectual Property Organization
China Trademark Office